====== Welcome ====== Welcome to rotorOverflow wiki, a place to build on a wealth of experience and knowledge. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to contribute! ====== Guides ====== * [[guide:frsky:voltagesensorx4rsb|How to connect the FrSky FBVS-01 voltage sensor to the X4RSB receiver]] * [[guide:smokestopper|How to build a SmokeStopper]] //(save your electronics with an inexpensive DIY tool)// * [[guide:nrf24multiprotocoltx|How to build a nRF24 multi-protocol transmitter module for the Taranis]] //(nRF24L01 multi-protocol RC transmitter for EAchine E010, etc)// ====== Tips ====== * [[tip:hs1177osdcable|Adjust your HS1177 camera settings on the field]] //(how to setup the HS1177 camera to allow you to adjust settings on the fly)//